Thursday, March 26, 2015

Reflections from Bayeux

Learning about the history of the wars and the government has been a dream come true. But what has really made this trip an experience of a lifetime are the people I've met and the wonderful relationships I've been able to form.

When we first got to Bayeux, my French girl, Maryse, took me to play Lazer tag with other French and American students. It was fun to do something all together right away so we were less nervous. The French won both games!

One experience I will always remember was on top of the Mont St Michel. After touring the Abbey, we had a little time, so a few of us went exploring. We found a quiet spot and stopped to look out across miles and miles of France. It was one of those moments when you think,  "I'm with my friends -- new and old -- in France on top of an ancient Abbey, looking out at the water on a sunny day in Normandy... Who does that?" 

Please enjoy the picture of Normans and Americans at the Mayor's office after our official welcome!

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