Monday, March 24, 2014

Saints in France:   A Weekend in Paris

...after having climbed over 700 steps in the Eiffel Tower in the wind and rain  (The sun came out soon after!)

We have had two whirlwind days in Paris -- exhilarating and exhausting!  From Notre Dame to the Centre Pompidou to the Louvre-- from the Eiffel Tower to the Champs-Elysees to the Arc de Triomphe to Montmartre --  we have seen (and walked) a lot!  Here are some of the students' impressions from their weekend in Paris:

"Reality doesn't always meet expectations, but Paris was even more beautiful than I had imagined.  We spent Friday afternoon walking in the area around our hotel, enjoying the sunshine, views of Notre Dame and the Seine, and warm chocolate crepes.  After dinner that night, we went to the Louvre.  It was incredible to see paintings and sculptures that I had studied in my art history class, in person.  We walked through a gallery full of paintings by Delacroix and others that stretched the height of the wall and were thrilled to take a picture between two massive Lamassu (sculpted man/lion/winged horse creature from ancient Assyria).  Though by the time the museum closed at 9:45 we were all utterly exhausted, we stopped on a bridge on the walk back to our hotel to watch the Eiffel Tower sparkle on the hour.  It was a perfect conclusion to our first night in the city of lights."  -- Alison Lindsay '14

"We loved every second of our time in Paris--from stopping at a boulangerie to get warm nutella crepes, to walking along the Seine at night watching the city lights glimmer on the water.  One of my favorite parts about the trip so far is watching what we've learned in the classroom come to life, whether it be visiting the Place de la Concorde, where Louis XIV and Marie Antoinette were beheaded or admiring Delacoix's Liberty Leading the People in the Louvre.  In Paris, we were able to see the paintings and sculptures we learned about in art history, visit monuments that mark important historical events, and practice our French!  C'etait magnifique!"  - Sophie Reardon '14
"France has been absolutely wonderful, even during the first day where I literally felt like I would pass out every five minutes.  The food has been really REALLY great (and being a foodie myself, that's something to say!)...One of the better moments, I feel, was walking up all the steps of the Eiffel Tower.  I love being challenged and man, that was one!  ...Later we stopped in La Duree and bought a bunch of unbelievably delicious macaroons... We also stuffed our faces with crepes at almost every crepe stand...Overall, this trip has been great and I can't wait to see what happens next!" -- Sylvie Howton '15 
"In these two days I've learned that I belong here.  I walked along the streets like they were mine.  Walking along the Seine and seeing Notre Dame is casual heaven.  The long bridge with the locks of love moved me.  I can't wait to put my lock there one day." -- Sibet Partee '14
"The French seem to know that we are American before we even open our mouths... Can't wait to see my correspondent!"  -- Kyle Draim '14


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