Saturday, March 26, 2016

Saints in Nicaragua: Saying goodbye

Today was our last day in Nicaragua. For many, it is a day of bittersweet feelings. We are excited to see our families, but also don't want to leave. Today we went to the beach!!! It was such a nice day at the beach. We took our little grape-draped bus to the beach. It look about a 2 hour bus ride. We had to reverse around the street a couple times to avoid the massive number of cars driving down the small streets.

Besides the annoying vendors and our things flying down the beach, today was a good day. We swam in the pretty chilly water with many other Nicaraguans. We ate lunch at a beach-side restaurant. We had chicken wings, chicken fingers, cheeseburgers, and Caesar salads. At the end of the day, we took a 3 hour bus ride to the hotel in Managua. We finally have AC! We ended our stay with a meeting with our CASE guide. We said our thorn and rose from the trip, the thorn being the downside and rose being the upside. Many roses included the impact we had on the community and how welcoming everyone was to us. We are all excited to go home but are sad to leave. I just want to take a minute to thank all the people that helped us through this experience like our chaperones and our CASE leader Stephanie. See you tomorrow!

-Caroline Sweet

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