Saturday, March 23, 2013

Romania: Day 3

After a quiet night's rest, we ate breakfast and went out for a tour of the village. During our walk, a truck filled with 15 pallets of cement bags was being unloaded, which we eagerly lent a helpful hand. After unloading 36,000 lbs of dry cement with great teamwork and a little help from a fork lift, we walked back to our house for lunch. When our bellies were filled, we went back to work. Some students spent time with the orphans while another crew walked to a newly constructed home where they painted two bedrooms. After that it was time for some fun, so a group of students played in a muddy pickup soccer game with the young boys from the village. When everyone was tired and the sun began to go down, we ate dinner and then settled down with a movie from Marion and surprise crepes made by Veureka. It was a proud day to be a Saint.

1 comment:

Marcus said...

Sounds like the group is keeping busy!

Could not a bag of cement have been added to the soccer field to make it a bit less muddy?